How Rich is Bethany Hamilton?

How Rich is Bethany Hamilton

What is Bethany Hamilton’s net worth?

The uncategorized has amassed a net worth of $3 million.

Bethany Hamilton – Quick Facts
Net Worth: $3 million
Date of birth: February 8, 1990 (34 years old)
Gender: Female
Height: 180

Biography – A Short Wiki

Bethany is an American professional female surfer who started competing at the age of eight. Her career was almost cut short In 2003 when she was attacked by a shark. The attack left her with a severed left arm, which had to be amputated. After her recovery, she went back to surfing, a sport she loved since childhood. She released her autobiography in 2004, and later in 2011, a film based on her autobiography was released, directed by Sean McNamara. Besides surfing, she has appeared on numerous TV shows as a guest. She also has a new movie called Unstoppable, which is based on her struggles and family happiness.


Bethany started her surfing career at the age of eight and competed in the Rell Sun Menehune event, which was held in Australia, coming in the first position. In 2002, she competed in NSSA Open Women’s Division held in the USA coming position one. In 2004 and 2005, she competed in NSSA National Competition, wherein both years she was the champion.

Bethany Hamilton Wealth
Bethany Hamilton is looking supreme as ever, and her net worth isn’t too bad either.

Personal Life

Bethany was raised in a Christian faith foundation and attended church services every Sunday with her parents. Through a mutual friend, she met Adam Dirks in 2012, who was a youth pastor at the time. The two started a relationship that led to their engagement in 2013. Their engagement was soon followed by their wedding on 18th August 2013, which was held on Kauai. In 2015, they were blessed with their firstborn son Tobias followed by their second-born son Wesley in 2018. Bethany loves keeping pets and has two shar-pei dogs, which she has named Kombucha and Hanalei.


“I guess I just like to challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I don’t think I can, to do things that other people do not think I can. It pushes me. I push my own personal limits.”

— Bethany Hamilton

“I’m not a vegetarian by any means; I eat fish. But the problem with shark finning is they catch the shark, cut their fins and throw them back in the ocean, and to me, that’s wrong. If you’re going to kill an animal, you should use the entire animal and do it humanely. I’m definitely not a big fan.”

— Bethany Hamilton

“It was Jesus who gave me peace when the shark severed my arm. I trust in Jesus whenever I’m going through a hard time. I see all the beautiful things that have come out of my situation. I’m able to share my story with young girls who have few role models, and I can help others cope with what they have been through.”

— Bethany Hamilton

“Doing everything with one arm, being well-known, and having a book and a movie, it’s fairly abnormal. As far as just not having to worry about past experiences, I’ve healed very well.”

— Bethany Hamilton

“Love God; love others; do your best in all you do, even if you fall short!”

— Bethany Hamilton