Constance born September 9, 1965 in Los Angeles, California. As a young girl, Constance played on Penny Rivera on Dirty Dancing TV series and...
Whitney Thore is a remarkable television personality who has set a new example for the fat people in the world. Whitney Thore is best-known...
Rachel was born April 3, 1987 in Los Angeles, California into a Jewish family. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Drama at New York...
MacKenzie Bezos is a journalist/novelist by profession and a philanthropist. She is best known for her award-winning works like her book ‘The Twisting of...
She rose to popularity through her roles on Dr. Dolittle and The Proud Family. Her other credits include Fat Albert, Recovery Road and Hotel...
Thandie was born born 6 November 1972 in London, UK. She has English and Zimbabwean ancestry. She studied social anthropology at Downing College, Cambridge....